Sunday, May 25, 2014

Holiday World 2015: 66 Days at Sea - Day 7

On May 19, 2014, Holiday World began releasing information about their 2015 expansion plans. They launched the teaser site to give clues over the course of 66 days as to what the big announcement may be.  You can read more about the site here. We'll be highlighting each day's entry as well as providing our analysis of what we think the clues may be hinting at.

Day 7


Let's take a look at today's entry:
  • "The days and nights seem to run together..."
    • A coaster with a lot of tunnels would fit this description.  Constantly moving through pitch black tunnels could represent the night and the exposed sections would represent the day, and they would all run together if they were on the same track.
  • "Those who know say October seas are rougher than in September."
    • I think this might be a clue for re-tracking of some sort to be done on The Voyage.  Those who know (i.e. coaster enthusiasts) know that wooden coasters tend to get more rough towards the end of the season (which happens to be in October for Holiday World) due to the wear and tear of a long season. Wood coasters, especially intense ones like The Voyage, require a lot of maintenance the keep them running smoothly.  And if Holiday World is looking to reduce maintenance time and costs, then re-tracking The Voyage with something akin to the iron horse treatment from Rocky Mountain Coasters would make a lot of sense.  Adding Timberliner trains would help as well, but as with the Pilgrims on their trip to the New World, I think that ship has sailed.
    That's it for today.  Check back tomorrow for our analysis of Day 8.

    Previous entries:

    1 comment:

    1. I really like, and agree, with your take on the rougher seas line. My original take was that this is a prelude to further in the voyage when the seas became rough because of the stronger storms. This being a tie in with the theming. Theming the "big ride" (read: coaster) around a tempest would be a nice tie in. Especially since The Voyage might go over and under this new ride.
