Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Holiday World 2015: 66 Days At Sea - Day 30

On May 19, 2014, Holiday World began releasing information about their 2015 expansion plans. They launched the teaser site 66DaysAtSea.com to give clues over the course of 66 days as to what the big announcement may be.  You can read more about the site here. We'll be highlighting each day's entry as well as providing our analysis of what we think the clues may be hinting at.

Day 30


Let's take a look at today's entry:
  • "It has been so long since we last saw land.  I tell the children to count the stars at night.  The stars will guide us."
    • Alright, this settles it.  The stars mentioned here are not the literal stars you see in the sky at night, but rather celebrities.  Celebrities are in movies, and theme parks related to movies include the Universal Studios parks.  Universal is making a ton of money off of Harry Potter.  So when you connect the dots, Holiday World is clearly adding the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in 2015.  Or in other words, I have no idea what this journal entry means.
That's it for today.  Check back tomorrow for our analysis of Day 31.

Previous entries:

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