Friday, July 25, 2014

Holiday World 2015: Thunderbird

As I'm sure you know by now, last night Holiday World concluded their 66 Days At Sea campaign by announcing the nation's first launched wingrider coaster Thunderbird!

I'll post my thoughts about the ride at a later time, but I will say that I'm very excited about it!  You can learn all about Thunderbird here, and in case you missed it, here's the animation that was played during the announcement:

As a side note, did anyone else see the pre-announcement quotes from various websites and forums during the webcast?  It was so incredibly cool to see them include a quote from our analysis of Day 46.  I almost felt like a real blogger at that point!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Holiday World 2015: 66 Days At Sea - Day 66

On May 19, 2014, Holiday World began releasing information about their 2015 expansion plans. They launched the teaser site to give clues over the course of 66 days as to what the big announcement may be.  You can read more about the site here. We'll be highlighting each day's entry as well as providing our analysis of what we think the clues may be hinting at.

Day 66


Well, we made it.  Day 66, or as I'm calling it, the calm before The Storm. It's been a long journey, but I hope you've had as much fun following along as I have. Whatever it is that Holiday World decides to add for the 2015 season, I'm sure it will be something great. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I really do appreciate it. I'll be posting recaps of the journey in the days following tomorrow's announcement, so make sure to stop by and see how closely my analysis stacked up against the actual clues, as well as my thoughts on the new attraction.  But seeing as this is the day before the big announcement, I think it's only right that I make my final predictions.  So without further ado, here's what I think Holiday World will be adding in 2015:
  • Ride type:  Steel roller coaster
  • Manufacturer:  B&M
  • Type of coaster:  Wingflyer (wingrider with seats in the flying position)
  • Name:  The Storm
  • Speed:  66 mph
  • Length:  5500 ft.
  • Other elements:  Tunnels, inversions, launch section, splashdown feature, on board audio
It will be a miracle if anything I've said over the past 66 days turns out to be true, but we'll know for sure tomorrow night.

Thank you again for reading and following along.

Previous entries:

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Holiday World 2015: 66 Days At Sea - Day 65

On May 19, 2014, Holiday World began releasing information about their 2015 expansion plans. They launched the teaser site to give clues over the course of 66 days as to what the big announcement may be.  You can read more about the site here. We'll be highlighting each day's entry as well as providing our analysis of what we think the clues may be hinting at.

Day 65

(insert screenshot here)


Let's take a look at today's entry:
  • Since today's entry hasn't been posted yet I'll go ahead and throw out a few ideas as to what ground breaking, first of its kind, coaster this may be.  There seems to be a lot of speculation that the ride will be built by B&M based upon the shape of the footers that have already been poured, so for the sake of discussion I'll assume that is correct.  That leaves me with the question of what type of coaster or technology has B&M, or anyone else for that matter, not built?  Here's a few thoughts:
    • Even though I think this ride will feature a launched section, I don't think that's the groundbreaking technology here since Leah Koch mentioned that this coaster will have moved past technology that was available in 2009, and launches have been around prior to that.  Even though B&M has not featured LIM or LSM technology, The Incredible Hulk does have a launch so I wouldn't count a new launched B&M coaster to be the first of its kind.
    • That leaves me wondering about possible train configurations. The 66 Days journal has featured hints about flying, but also about being below deck. To me, the flying coaster, inverted coaster, and wingrider coaster are the three most likely candidates based on these clues, but to do something truly unique, I'm guessing it will be some combination of these configurations merged together in a single train. How about a wingrider with seats that rotate into the flying position? Or how about a coaster that starts out as an inverted coaster then lifts the riders into a flying position at the mid-course break run to finish the course as a flying coaster? Whatever it is, I'm expecting the ground breaking technology of this ride to be in the train configuration.     
That's it for today.  Check back tomorrow for our analysis of Day 66.

Previous entries:

Monday, July 21, 2014

Holiday World 2015: 66 Days At Sea - Day 64

On May 19, 2014, Holiday World began releasing information about their 2015 expansion plans. They launched the teaser site to give clues over the course of 66 days as to what the big announcement may be.  You can read more about the site here. We'll be highlighting each day's entry as well as providing our analysis of what we think the clues may be hinting at.

Day 64


Let's take a look at today's entry:
  • "Fearing the worst was near, the children and I crept onto deck for a last look at the sky.  We clung to each other, yet through our fear marveled at the strength and power of the storm, which has carried us so far astray."
    • We're getting close to the big announcement, and I think today's entry may have revealed the ride's name.  I'm calling it right now.  I think it will be "The Storm".  It will be a long coaster that will carry the passengers "so far astray."  I think it will have a launch of some sort (i.e. "strength and power") and inversions (i.e. "a last look at the sky").  The name fits with multiple journal entries and mimics the Pilgrim's journal perfectly.
That's it for today.  Check back tomorrow for our analysis of Day 65.

Previous entries:

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Holiday World 2015: 66 Days At Sea - Day 63

On May 19, 2014, Holiday World began releasing information about their 2015 expansion plans. They launched the teaser site to give clues over the course of 66 days as to what the big announcement may be.  You can read more about the site here. We'll be highlighting each day's entry as well as providing our analysis of what we think the clues may be hinting at.

Day 63

(insert screenshot here)


Let's take a look at today's entry:
  • Sorry guys, but I don't have time to wait for today's journal entry to be posted. That's okay though, since the information just keeps on coming from other sources. The park revealed the new ride comes with a price tag of $22 million, which is significantly higher than the $12-15 million range I was expecting. Depending on the manufacturer and ride type, this could be one significant ride.  

That's it for today.  Check back tomorrow for our analysis of Day 64.

Previous entries: