Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Holiday World 2015: 66 Days At Sea - Day 59

On May 19, 2014, Holiday World began releasing information about their 2015 expansion plans. They launched the teaser site to give clues over the course of 66 days as to what the big announcement may be.  You can read more about the site here. We'll be highlighting each day's entry as well as providing our analysis of what we think the clues may be hinting at.

Day 59


Let's take a look at today's entry:
  • "Although the winds are still strong, Captain Jones orders the crew to unreef the sails.  We must take this chance, he says, We must steer toward our destiny."
    • Let's take a look at some clues I overlooked on the Holiblog.  This post confirmed the expansion would only include a single attraction, while this post seemed to give away the speed of the ride. 60mph (a mile a minute = 60 miles per hour). I'll try my best to keep up with their new posts over this next week to monitor any clues they may reveal.
That's it for today.  Check back tomorrow for our analysis of Day 60.

Previous entries:

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